Do you take head bath daily? Do you have the doubt whether to take head bath daily or not?? Then here is the ultimate answer for you....The Biotechnology solves this ideal question which often comes in each and every one's heart often. You cant get a clear vision on whether to take daily head bath or not because this is an unusual topic which we don't consider often. This is a question which we mostly leave blank and one never feels asking this themselves.
But if you keep on taking Head bath daily, this may lead to several health problems...
Taking Head Bath Daily will not be a nice option. Head Bathing daily will not show you any health problems soon. But it will show you after a certain period of time. Say if you keep on taking head bath daily more than a certain period of time then you will get lot of problems one by one. Here are the future problems which you will suffer in later if you take head bath daily.
Tooth Decay: Well one may ask what is the relation between the head bath and tooth decay. You may not believe this fact. Bio tech Scientists proved that taking head bath daily will lead to tooth decay. The reason for this is if you take head bath daily, the water from the head moves towards your teeth gums and stagnates there. If this is not under a doctor's view this will lead to tooth decay. The water which stays under the gums will bulge it and hence the tooth root get damaged which later leads to tooth decay.
Head ache: If you keep on taking head bath daily, you may get head ache often. You wont find the actual reason, instead you keep on taking medicines and this process continues if you keep on taking head bath daily.
Well, If you take head bath daily you have the following favours....
You hair gets rich in proteins if you keep on taking hair bath daily. Moreover your hair gets more softer than before if you keep on taking head bath. As said people get more fresher by taking head bath daily and this is being a refreshing one for most of the people.
So, What we Bio tech Scientists insist upon????
Whether to take Head bath daily or not??? Which is the best way....
We Biotechnologist insist you to take head bath once after two days. This is because if you do so you will get the proteins required for your hair growth and at the same time you will be free from health problems.
Well we don't insist on this. It all depends upon once body conditions. Each one have their own mode of bathing. This topic suits for those who have allergic when taking bath daily and unknowingly they do so without knowing themselves where the actual problem is.
We further insist that if you are taking head bath daily will not create a great problem if you put your air warm using a dryer for 5 minutes. It all depends on once body condition and we do not take any responsibility of the issues you face by following our ideas.