Green Tea Defense against Cancer

Do you have the habit of drinking Black Tea???? Then please change your choice soon to Green Tea.

Biotechnologists and Researchers found that Green Tea contains enzymes that defense against cancer. This information was provided with relevant proof and successful experiments from Arizona Cancer Centre.Green Tea contain detoxification enzymes that help to strengthen their metabolic defense against toxins that are capable of causing cancer.

In a study among 42 people, Green tea was provided regularly and they boosted around 80% of catechins enzymes that defense against CANCER. The catechins enzymes convert carcinogens to non-toxic chemicals, and a correlation between deficient expression of these enzymes and increased risk of developing some cancers.

This GREEN TEA belongs to the glutathione S-transferase (GST) family. Biotechnologists found that Polyphenon E boosted GST activity. It had its most rapid effect in volunteers whose baseline blood measurements showed low GST activity − an 80 percent increase compared to baseline GST activity. Activity did not change in volunteers with medium GST expression, or in those with the highest levels, GST seemed to decrease slightly although researchers believe that decline was due to random variation.

This is the first and the only research that is made on Green Tea and Proved that Green Tea would be a shield against CANCER and this is said to be a significant research that helps towards our health making better.