How To Stop Bleeding Soon-Biotechnology Invasion

Biotechnology tells you the best way to stop bleeding as soon as possible under emergency cases. This is one of the most important information which may help you as a first aid. Although small cuts dont make any harm but in case of big cuts it would be a great issue. At this case this Biotechnology invasion would help you very much. Based on the different kind of wound and its location, there can be damage to nerve. We have classified both the small cut bleeding and large cut bleeding.


For Minor Bleeding From a Small Cut:

Rinse the wound thoroughly with water to clean out dirt and debris.

Then wash the wound with a mild soap and rinse thoroughly. (For minor wounds, it isn't necessary to use an antiseptic solution to prevent infection, and some can cause allergic skin reactions.)

Cover the wound with a sterile adhesive bandage or sterile gauze and adhesive tape.

Examine the wound daily. If the bandage gets wet, remove it and apply a new one.

After the wound forms a scab, a bandage is no longer necessary.

Call doctor if the wound is red, swollen, tender, warm, or draining pus.

For Bleeding From a Large Cut:

Wash the wound thoroughly with water. This will allow you to see the wound clearly and assess its size.

Place a piece of sterile gauze or a clean cloth over the entire wound. If available, use clean latex or rubber gloves to protect yourself from exposure to possible infection from the blood who isn't your own. If you can, raise the bleeding body part above the level of your heart. Do not apply a tourniquet.

Using the palm of your hand on the gauze or cloth, apply steady, direct pressure to the wound for 5 minutes. (During the 5 minutes, do not stop to check the wound or remove blood clots that may form on the gauze.)

If blood soaks through the gauze, do not remove it. Apply another gauze pad on top and continue applying pressure.

Call your doctor or seek immediate medical attention for all large cuts or lacerations, or if:

you're unable to stop the bleeding after 5 minutes of pressure, or if the wound begins bleeding again (continue applying pressure until help arrives)

you're unable to clean out dirt and debris thoroughly, or there' s something else stuck in the wound
the wound is on your face or neck

the injury was caused by an animal or human bite, burn, electrical injury, or puncture wound (e.g., a nail)

the cut is more than half an inch long or appears to be deep - large or deep wounds can result in nerve or tendon damage

If you have any doubt about whether stitches are needed, call your doctor.

This would be a greater use under first aid for small injuries.