Cows are responsible for producing more than half of the total methane emissions when compared with other resources. The gas is mainly produced from the bovine burps which are 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a green house gas. The Biotechnologists from Alberta did a research on the genes that are responsible for the methane production from the cow’s stomach.
The Biotechnologists have worked hardly to breed environmentally friendly cows and now they have succeeded in this case. They completed preliminary tests using conventional methods to breed animals like cow, goat that produce 30% less methane than the existing animals. But there is a long way to make a large impact on this issue. We as human beings have to look on the next generation animals to be eco friendly.
The Biotechnologists are currently doing research on the genetics through the blood test and the hairs that are pluck from the animals.
These Biotechnologists have suggested 2 methods to reduce the methane gas from the animals. One method is through breeding cattle which could become more efficient in converting feed into muscle and this produces less methane and waste. Another method is feeding livestock in a diet which is richer in edible oils, which ferment less than grass.
Reducing the methane emissions from the burps will make an eco friendly atmosphere and this method should be implemented as soon as possible in all the countries.