There is a big mystery still unrevealed about the origin of life. Scientists keep on proving the origin of life on various headings. But the Biotechnologists and researchers have recently come up with a new concept about the origin of life. We all know that without water no organisms would have been formed. There is a normal suggestion which states that Diamonds have been formed before several millions of years. The Diamonds are the allotropes of carbon which existed before the life began in earth. Latest experiments show that Diamonds produce layers of water on the surface in the presence of hydrogen. So Researchers suggest that Diamond plays a major role in the key reaction that took place in the birth of life.
The hydrogenated diamonds are present in the layer of the atmosphere. According to the Biotechnologists, this Diamonds would have powerfully reacted with other molecules in the atmosphere forming polymers, which further involved in the starting of life.
This concept underestimated the theory stating external bodies such as comets and meteors are the reasons for existing of life.
This theory was stated by Andrei Sommer, Dan Zhu and Hand-Joerg Fecht. They all belong to the University of Ulm. Today Diamonds are very costly and precious. Diamond has taken its original value in both cost and prestige as it is the basic compound that boosted the origin of life in the earth.
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Without Diamond We all know there is "No Passion, No Pride, No Style" and now Researchers proved “Without Diamonds No Life” ….