Biotechnologist and researchers found the reason for this pain. This is the first ever time in the history of Biotechnology, that it has been proved that genes are
involved in physical pain which is linked to painful times like social rejection especially when breaking up with a lover. This occurs due to the Genetic relationship between the physical pain sensitivity and social pain sensitivity.
Researchers further stated that the pain killers named “mu-opioids” are responsible. Mu-Opiods are the pain killers that are responsible for physical pain sensitivity and this pain killer extracts more even at the time of emotional and social pain sensitivity.
Biotechnologist study indicates that a difference in the mu-opioid receptor gene which is called as the (OPRM1).
Researchers study stated the change in the mu-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1), is related to how much pain a human feels in response to social rejection. People with a rare form of gene feel distressed and get pains in heart when they are emotionally feeling. Biotechnologist took saliva samples from nearly 122 participants to find which order of the OPRM1 pain gene they contain and then measured sensitivity to rejection in two ways.
Participants accomplished a survey that found their own sensitivity to rejection. They were asked, for example, how much they agreed or disagreed with statements like "I am very sensitive to any signs that a person might not want to talk to me."
A ball tossing computer game was held and the researchers found around 31 emotions of people. Peoples with the rare form of the pain gene, who were shown in previous work to be more sensitive to physical pain, also reported higher levels of rejection sensitivity and showed greater activity in social pain-related regions of the brain when they were excluded.
These result suggested that the feeling of a human being given the cold shoulder by a romantic interest or not being picked for a schoolyard game of basketball may arise from the same circuits. This is also said to be an overlap in the neurobiology of physical and social pain makes perfect sense. Feeling literally hurt by not having any social connections may be a nice way to make sure we keep them.
This research was done by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.