Shocked……? Yes Plants talk upon each other in the same way as we communicate.
Plants also talk with themselves and with other organisms also. A research has been done to prove that plants talk upon each other. Professor Richard Karban is an American biotechnologist. He suggests that plants converse by sending chemical messages through the air, warning of upcoming hungry predators. When a neighboring plant 'hears' the message, it boosts its defense against grasshoppers, caterpillars and other invaders, he believes.
Using scissors, he clipped away the leaves and stems of shrubs, damaging them in the same way as a grasshopper did. He then planted some damaged and undamaged plants in a field and measured levels of predation on their neighbors. The leaves of the plants with clipped neighbors suffered the least grasshopper damage, the journal Ecology Letters reports. This is taken to suggest that the damaged plants somehow told their neighbors to shore up their defenses. The professor has yet to identify the airborne chemicals by which the shrubs have a natter.
In tests, sagebrush shrubs had their leaves "clipped" as if they were being eaten by grasshoppers or other herbivores. Other sagebrush plants growing near the clipped shrubs proved more resilient than control plants without damaged neighbors, indicating that they had received warning of the threat.
The next time you hear a strange rustling among your garden plants, maintain distance. They might be having an argument. Don’t pluck plants or leaves unnecessarily. Plants also have same feelings like what we people have.
So, Stop hurting the plants anymore as they can even curse and cry because of you.
Save Flaura…… Stop deforestation…. Save our Eco-friend…….